Off late I have developed this strange habit of writing.. as u can c from my blog post dates, I have been doing it a lil too often.. well well, that just goes to show how jobless I am.. but to write it in a positive way, this just goes to show how well I am utilising my "joblessness".
So here I am, 3:43 am is the time, wide awake like an insomniac with demons and angels of my own, contemplating the future, recollecting the sweet memories of the past, and enjoying the present. Ya n I forgot to mention the most important thing, rather not so important for any of u but it is for me, I am running 103 degree temperature thanks to Mumbai rains. But no worries, I am in Pune with my closest people enjoying every bit of attention and also taking undue advantage of it. Lol, yeah I know I am a lil mean but it's OK. With friends like these who needs a nursing home/hospital anyways. I am paranoid of needles hence no hospitals. But to my utter dismay I was dragged to one and the doctor said HAEMOGRAM TEST. It blew the day lights outta my head. I held on to my friend and was on the verge of tears when I saw a lady asking us to follow her to the B wing of the hospital. Each step that I took made me closer to NUMBNESS.
Finally i was made to sit in a chair and it was not in the least like a HOT SEAT and I could see from the corner of my eye an angry looking lady. I thought she would suck all the blood from my body by her mere presence but thank God it was not all that bad. It pricked but not for long and I took a sigh of relief that I survived it and so did the others around.
NO I am in no way a not-so-courageous girl but needles and hospitals do make me sick with worry. Otherwise I am adventurous and independent.
OK now enough about what I am. I know I am a lil notorious for diverting from the topic. But after beating around the bush for a little while I generally come back on track.
But right now the best track that I can think of is my bed. So here I sign off. I hope my writing passions keep igniting itself often and I keep utilising my time in a constructive way.
Its 4:11 am and I am not so wide awake, with only angels of my own, and 101 temperature. :P