Saturday, October 27, 2007


THIS (3rd sem) has by far been the most dreaded month of my life in terms of academics.. IF there is anything worse than a 3rd degree torture (I haven't experienced 3rd degree nor do I intend to but the degree of that torture is quite obvious in movies) then its THESIS. My topic "Public Relations in Public and Private Sector: case studies on SAIL and TATA Steel". Well, it sounds so boring.. just imagine my condtion when I had to do the whole dam thing. Its 2:40 in the nyt n m still stuck in college. wat can be a worse way to commence the weekend! This is a part of the MS Communication course that m doing, although I have no clue what good it has done to me! I have lost count of the number of sleepless nights I have had because of THESIS. Undoubtly this is the most dreaded six letter word in my life right now.
The only thing I enjoyed in the thesis was writing a acknowledgement. Initially I had a funny feeling towards Acknowledgement but now that I have gone through THESIS I actually feel the need to acknowledge the contributiong of all those who have seen me thru this traumatic experience..
Hell, I am not making it dramatic atal. My life is soo scrwd!!